Portugal Portefolio 3 — Depict Portugal

Depict Portugal wants to create contemporary iconography to represent Portuguese identity. From recent phenomena of ethnographic identity that pop out most of the times accidentally, such as memes or viral videos on youtube, this project wants to define icons that suit the representation of present realities, from the approach of the collective imaginary or from individual repertoires. For example, we can rethink the omnipresent Barcelos cock.

Recent popularity of events such as the restoration of Ecce Homo by Cecília Gimenez at the Shrine of Our Lady of Mercy, at Borja, prove that the power of images can be involved with their popularity index among the audiences, most of the times reinforced by their dilution in social networks.


Participants should bring:

  • Visual material (magazines, photographs, craftwork, other)
  • paper and drawing material
  • Any kind of recordable equipment (optional)

Júlio Dolbeth

  • 18 Oct, 10AM (briefing)
  • 18 Oct, 2PM - 5PM (lab)
  • 20 Oct, 3PM (presentation of outcomes)

Galeria Dama Aflita
Rua da Picaria 84
4050-477 Porto

Free Registration