Citizen Labs (in Portuguese: “Laboratórios de Cidadania”) were introduced at FUTUREPLACES in 2011. They are fast-action, practice-based workshops where experts and citizens converge and mutually benefit from one another’s knowledge. From technical expertise to social engagement, Citizen Labs / Laboratórios de Cidadania address a multitude of media contexts, are free to attend, and the coordinators provide them pro bono. Often the outcomes of the lab inform ongoing research, consolidate themselves in further contexts, and/or get “upgraded” to a permanent FUTUREPLACES project.
A collective introductory session will take place Oct 20, 9:30AM @ UPTEC PINC.
A collective debriefing session will take place Oct 22, 4PM @ Passos Manuel.
The full list and description of labs on offer Oct 18-22 can be accessed here:
Memórias do Copiógrafo
Behind the Curtain
Hunting for Logos
Antifluffy Go!
Mementos from a Better Future
Hack a Farm
Vozes para um Comício
An Uncertain Film
[U.]Porto Personal
Grande Comício MaisMenos
Archive 2011-16 here.