We, the Citizens

URB imagem


We, the citizens é um instalação / performance que utiliza como matéria prima os dados resultantes da análise de várias  soundscapes  da cidade do Porto. Estes dados são compilados pelo sistema URB (www.urb.pt.vu), desenvolvido por José Alberto Gomes como complemento das tradicionais cartografias sonoras, facilitando assim o estudo da evolução das  soundscapes  em períodos temporais específicos e alargando o espectro das abordagens artísticas.
A apresentação estará a cargo de vários artistas sonoros intimamente relacionados com a Sonoscopia. Serão utilizados vários espaços da casa nos formatos de instalação e concerto de forma a salientar a importância da ecologia acústica no desenvolvimento das sociedades modernas.

Participantes: Carlos Guedes, Gustavo Costa, Eduardo Magalhães, José Alberto Gomes, Rui Dias, Filipe Lopes, George Sioros e Palmer Eldrich.
Produção: Sonoscopia

Urb é um sistema para análise e  armazenamento  de ambiente sonoro urbano. URB apresenta-se como um complemento ao tradicionais mapas sonoros, permitindo o acesso directo às características sonoras de qualquer momento desde o arranque de  funcionamento  do sistema. Possibilitando o estudo evolução do ambiente sonoro e as diferenças entre momentos específicos, e facilitando abordagens artísticas a essa informação.

Carlos Guedes has a multifaceted activity in composition and sound design, counting numerous projects for dance, theatrical performance, film and interactive installations besides conventional concert music. His creative work has been presented mostly in Europe and the United States in several shapes and forms.
Carlos Guedes holds a PhD  (2005) and MA (1996) in composition from  NYU  and a BM (1993) from  ESMAE.  He lived for three years in the Netherlands where he attended the Institute of Sonology in the Hague  between 2001 and 2002.
Between 2003 and 2013, Carlos Guedes developed an intense teaching activity in Portugal. He was involved in the reformulation and creation of several degree programs in Portugal in  composition  and  electronic music.  Since 2007, he has been working for the  UT Austin | Portugal  program in Digital Media, where he helped creating the Interactive Music and Sound Design track at  University of Porto’s Master in Multimedia, and worked on the creation of the curriculum of the  Doctoral Program in Digital Media. He is currently the National Academic Director for the program.
Carlos Guedes is currently Associate Music Professor and Head of the Music Program at   New York University Abu Dhabi.   He also works as a researcher at  INESC Technology and Science  (formerly, INESC Porto)  where he co-founded the  Sound and Music Computing Group.

Eduardo Magalhães, nasceu no Porto em 1975. Licenciado pela Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espectáculo (ESMAE), Mestrado em Multimédia – Música Interactiva e Design de Som na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, e encontra-se neste momento a frequentar o programa doutoral em Media Digitais na FEUP, Porto. Nos últimos 10 anos tem desenvolvido a sua actividade como professor, trabalhando paralelamente em projectos de cinema independente, jogos, publicidade e companhias de teatro, produzindo, gravando e misturando música e áudio, assim como projectos experimentais na forma de instalações e gravações de campo. Lecciona actualmente as disciplinas de Design de Som na Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Teoria do Som e Atelier de Sonoplastia na Universidade Lusófona.

George Sioros studied classical piano and music theory in the “Orfio” conservatory in Athens. In parallel, he studied Physics in the University of Ioannina and holds and Master’s Degree in Science from the National Technological University of Athens and the NCSR Demokritos, where he worked as a researcher in the field of Biophysics for several years.He has been creating and performing electronic music for the last 15 years. He often collaborates with other artists, creating music for dance and theater or sound installations. He performed in several venues in Athens and Berlin and, more recently, in Portugal. Integral part of all the projects is the research and development of innovative algorithms for music and sound generation.   Since 2010, he joined the Sound and Music Computing research group at INESC–Tec in Porto (smc.inescporto.pt), where he develops algorithms and software for the automatic generation of rhythms. A few months later, he began his doctoral research in the Digital Media department at the University of Porto. As part of this research, he created a computational model for rhythmic syncopation and used it in the development of his music software.  He has published several scientific papers and he has presented his work in various conferences.

Gustavo  Costa, nasceu no Porto em 1976.  Possui o curso técnico-profissional de percussão (EPME), licenciatura em Produção e Tecnologias da Música (ESMAE), pós graduação em Sonologia (Instituto de Sonologia, Haia), mestrado em Composição e Teoria Musical (ESMAE) e encontra-se neste momento a frequentar o programa doutoral em Media Digitais na FEUP, Porto. Tocou e colaborou com Três Tristes Tigres, Alfred Harth, Damo Suzuki, John Zorn´s Cobra, Fritz Hauser, Jamie Saft entre muitos outros. Desenvolve trabalho na área da composição electroacústica, improvisação livre e contracultura underground, tendo-se apresentado em 18 países europeus, Estados Unidos e Líbano.  

José Alberto Gomes, licenciou-se em Composição na ESMAE. Desenvolve uma actividade regular ligada à performance de música electrónica em projectos individuais e colectivos. Tem também uma relação muito próxima com projectos multidisciplinares (teatro, vídeo, instalações, programação musical…). Está a realizar o doutoramento em Computer Music na UCP.   É curador da Digitópia – Fundação Casa da Música.

Filipe Lopes, é compositor, performer e académico.
A sua prática está relacionada com a composição música electrónica, instalações audiovisuais e sistemas interactivos, envolvendo regularmente media digitais e desenvolvimento de software próprio. Criou obras  para artistas e ensembles, mas também tem feito música para filmes, dança e teatro. Complementarmente à sua prática artística, também tem desenvolvido uma série de trabalhos relacionados com o ensino de música e novas tecnologias.
Actualmente está a fazer um PhD em Digital Media na FEUP e UT Austin, focando a sua investigação em som, espaço e identidade.
Palmer Eldricht é um duo de Braga (Portugal). Exploram música electrónica usando texturas microscópicas, sintetizadores etéros e  beats  dançáveis num contexto não dançável (ou será o oposto?) resultando numa música apelativa e de outro mundo

Rui Dias, natural de Braga.  Licenciado  em Composição na Escola Superior de Música e das Artes do Espectáculo (ESMAE) do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Mestrado em Multimédia pela Universidade do Porto (FEUP), onde frequenta actualmente o  Programa Doutoral em Media Digitais UT Austin | Portugal. Professor e coordenador do Curso de Música Electrónica e Produção Musical (MEPM) da Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (ESART – IPCB).



We, the citizens is an installation / performance that uses the data obtained from the analysis of various soundscapes of Porto. The data is compiled by the system URB (www.urb.pt.vu), developed by José Alberto Gomes as a complement to traditional sound cartography. This system facilitates the study of the evolution of soundscapes in specific time periods and extends the spectrum of artistic approaches. The public presentation will be in charge of various sound artists closely related to Sonoscopia. The performances and sound installations that will occur in several spaces of Sonoscopia will be used in order to highlight the importance of acoustic ecology in the development of modern societies.
Participants: Carlos Guedes, Gustavo Costa, Eduardo Magalhães, José Alberto Gomes, Rui Dias, Filipe Lopes, George Sioros e Palmer Eldrich.
Production: Sonoscopia

Urb is a system for automated analysis and data storage of an urban soundscape. Urb complements traditional sound maps, allowing the direct access of its features at any arbitrary moment since the system’s boot, thus facilitating the study of the soundscape’s evolution and the differences between specific timeframes, and facilitating artistic approaches to such data.   It  claims to be a complement to the approach of the sound environment study, presenting a proposal for a system based on available and cheap hardware and open source software. Thus, it may be a tool with a very large ramp of development and flexibility to be used, not only by environmentalists and urban planners, but also by artists with creative intentions.

Carlos Guedes has a multifaceted activity in composition and sound design, counting numerous projects for dance, theatrical performance, film and interactive installations besides conventional concert music. His creative work has been presented mostly in Europe and the United States in several shapes and forms.
Carlos Guedes holds a PhD  (2005) and MA (1996) in composition from  NYU  and a BM (1993) from  ESMAE.  He lived for three years in the Netherlands where he attended the Institute of Sonology in the Hague  between 2001 and 2002.
Between 2003 and 2013, Carlos Guedes developed an intense teaching activity in Portugal. He was involved in the reformulation and creation of several degree programs in Portugal in  composition  and  electronic music.  Since 2007, he has been working for the  UT Austin | Portugal  program in Digital Media, where he helped creating the Interactive Music and Sound Design track at  University of Porto’s Master in Multimedia, and worked on the creation of the curriculum of the  Doctoral Program in Digital Media. He is currently the National Academic Director for the program.
Carlos Guedes is currently Associate Music Professor and Head of the Music Program at  New York University Abu Dhabi.   He also works as a researcher at  INESC Technology and Science  (formerly, INESC Porto)  where he co-founded the  Sound and Music Computing Group.

Eduardo Magalhães, born in Porto, Portugal, 1976. Studied music technology at ESMAE, Master degree in Multimedia – Interactive Music and Sound Design at FEUP, and is currently attending a PhD in Digital Media at Feup, Porto.
Over the past 10 years has been active as a teacher, working in parallel for projects on independent film projects, games, advertising and theatrical performance, producing, recording and mixing music and audio, as well as experimental projects in sound installations and field recordings.
Currently teaches Sound Design at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto and Theory of Sound and Sound Design at Universidade Lusófona (Porto).

George Sioros studied classical piano and music theory in the “Orfio” conservatory in Athens. In parallel, he studied Physics in the University of Ioannina and holds and Master’s Degree in Science from the National Technological University of Athens and the NCSR Demokritos, where he worked as a researcher in the field of Biophysics for several years.He has been creating and performing electronic music for the last 15 years. He often collaborates with other artists, creating music for dance and theater or sound installations. He performed in several venues in Athens and Berlin and, more recently, in Portugal. Integral part of all the projects is the research and development of innovative algorithms for music and sound generation.   Since 2010, he joined the Sound and Music Computing research group at INESC–Tec in Porto (smc.inescporto.pt), where he develops algorithms and software for the automatic generation of rhythms. A few months later, he began his doctoral research in the Digital Media department at the University of Porto. As part of this research, he created a computational model for rhythmic syncopation and used it in the development of his music software.   He has published several scientific papers and he has presented his work in various conferences.

Gustavo  Costa, born in Porto, Portugal, 1976.
Studied percussion, music technology, sonology, composition and music theory and is currently attending a PhD in Digital Media at Feup, Porto.  
In the last 20 years has played and collaborated with Três Tristes Tigres, Alfred Harth, John Zorn´s Cobra, Fritz Hauser, Damo Suzuki, Jamie Saft, Raz Mesinai, Arthur Doyle and many others.  
He is currently working in the fields of electroacoustic music, sound art, free improvisation and underground counterculture, having performed in 19 European countries, USA and Lebanon. 

José Alberto Gomes, born in Porto in 1983.
He started studying music at the School of Music’s Oscar Silva, where he graduated as an external student of piano at the Conservatoire of Porto. In 2007 completed a degree in Composition at the  School of Music and Performing Artsand attended the Dartington College of Arts in England for a semester through. Created strong bonds with new technological possibilities and the role of music in music theater, film, installations and electronic improvisation, taking particular interest in seeking new ways and new musical “places”.
He taught in the courses of  Electronic Music and Music Production – ESART,Audiovisual Communication and Multimedia – Lusófona University of Porto  and Composition – ESMAE-IPP.
He is the curator of the project  Digitópia  of  Casa da Música Foundation  were investigate and guides a number of workshops in computer music creation and performances of the Education Department.
Currently is doing his PhD in Computer Music at  Catholic University  with a  FCTscholarship.
He performs regularly in public projects both in solo and group projects. He is creator in music and sound design for theater plays and videos; creation and programming interactive sound installations; and composing for electronic and instrumental ensembles.

Filipe Lopes was born in 1981, in Porto.
In 2003 he graduated in Music Education at Porto Superior School of Education.
In 2006 he won the prize “best experimental audio” at Festival Black&White and in 2007 was awarded an artistic residency at Miso Music Portugal (LEC).
In 2007 he completed a degree in Composition at Superior School of Music and Performing Arts (ESMAE), developing strong bonds with electronic music and new media.
In 2009 he finished his master’s degree at Sonology, in the Hague, creating Õdaiko, a software for live-score generation.
Between 2009 and 2011 he taught electronic music at ESMAE. He also created the ensemble 343.
From September 2010 till August 2012 he curated the project Digitópia, at Casa da Música, where he was already developing intensive work since 2007. He developed workshops, concerts and software related to music education.
Since 2010, he has a schoolaship by Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), pursuing a PhD in Digital Media at Universidade do Porto and UT Austin. Supervised by Carlos Guedes and Bruce Pennycook, his area of investigation includes sound, space and identity.
Its compositional activity also embraces electronic and instrumental music for Theater, Film and Dance. These collaborations led to some international awards.
In 2013, at Gaudeamus Music Week, he won the ECPNM/Gaudeamus prize with his composition “Do Desenho e do Som #3″ for Harp.

Palmer Eldricht is a duo based in Braga (Portugal). They explore electronic music using microscopic textures, dreamy synths and danceable beats in a non-danceable context (or shall we say the opposite?) resulting in a both appealing and otherworldly music. Their first EP “Five easy pieces” will be released in November through PAD.

Rui Dias, born in Braga – Portugal in 1974, where he  studied classical and jazz music.
BA in Composition at the Music and  Performing Arts School (ESMAE) in Porto, and  MA in Multimedia at the  Engineering Faculty of Porto University (FEUP), where  he is currently a student  in the UTA/Portugal Digital Media Ph.D. program.
Teacher and program director  of the Electronic Music and  Musical Production program at the  Applied Arts School of the Polytechnic Institute of  Castelo Branco – Portugal.