Luis Francisco-Revilla to join futureplaces Oct 17

Luis Francisco-Revilla will provide the closing keynote of the futureplaces Research Symposium on October 17:

Human-centered computing: supporting the active, purposeful, and intensive use of information


Luis Francisco-Revilla is an assistant professor in the School of Information at The University of Texas at Austin. For over a decade, he has been conducting research on the area of human-centered computing, investigating how to augment the ability of people to use information actively, purposely and intensively. His research agenda is multifaceted and interdisciplinary, as it bridges social, informational, and computational aspects. As a result, Dr. Francisco-Revilla’s research interests expands and integrates work from several research areas including human-computer interaction, digital libraries, hypertext, computer supported cooperative work, information retrieval, and recommender systems. Dr. Francisco-Revilla’s recent projects include work in the domains of computational journalism, cultural heritage institutions, and advanced interfaces and interactions. He is primary investigator in the international collaborative grants Breadcrumbs, REACTION, and ImTV. He is also a Co-PI in the IMLS funded project CDLF. Dr. Francisco-Revilla has published extensively in the top venues in his field including: International Journal on Digital Libraries and ACM /IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL).